You must be registered at St. Stanislaus or Immaculate Conception or have the permission of the pastor where you live. Required preparation classes are held monthly for both parents and godparents. They are encouraged to attend prior to the birth of the child. Please contact Fr. Justin Hamilton at the office, (785) 437-2408, for further information.
Preparation for these sacraments takes place during 2nd grade catechesis. Please see "Religious Education" for more information or to register for classes.
A new Confirmation prep class will begin in Fall 2024 with probable Confirmation in Fall 2025. This class will include those who have previously been active in religious education and are now in 7th and 8th grades. Please check back here or contact Connie Fischer, DRE, for more information.
We'd love to assist you in preparing for this sacrament.
Please call Father Justin for an appointment to go over the marriage policy (785) 437-2408
We would love to share the Good News with you! Please contact the parish office for information on how you can learn more about the Catholic Church and/or join the next RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) formation program.